Tuesday, March 8, 2011

material things make it better

Found an el torito sweet corn cake mix and omg I'm in heaven! >_<

Also found a good Alexa bag replica!
Bought this replica for $32.00 with free shipping from ebay seller "yaxin09". Note that this seller might be nonexistent by the time you look (happened to me before : (. Still, some searches you can use to find this style are a mix of "messenger bag" "satchel" and "handbag". It shipped the day after I bought it and it only took 2 weeks! I thought it would take at least a month since it was free shipping.

To be honest, I was expecting a cheap-ass bag with crappy quality, but what I got surpassed my expectations. The quality of the bag is really good, the material feels soft. The bag can be worn as a backpack as you can see in the pictures above. This was a definite plus! Another plus is that you can undo the tabs at the side which is helpful for when there's a lot of stuff. There's a zipper and plenty of pockets. My school stuff also fits so I can use it as a school bag : ].

Overall, it's a STEAL compared to similar styles that are more expensive. I only received this bag today, so this is my initial review. It might fall apart with more usage of this bag (but let's hope that doesn't happen! T_T).

On a related note, I purchased the Alexa bag replica from Wholesale-dress.net over a month ago and still have not received it. It's true they totally rip people off! Before I felt like filing a dispute on Paypal, but changed my mind. I don't really mind that it's $21.40 though. I'm just going to wait it out.

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